Simplified access to services and products or control of business organization are two key factors to drive your business to success. From this “smart living” perspective Cesare Mauri develops solutions that are constantly evolving and highly customizable, according to the type of business and sector.
AL-SICURO is the cloud-based software developed by Cesare Mauri to manage the functioning of all locker storage and totem lines entirely and intuitively.
The user-friendly interface, optimized for our hardware, is designed to enable quick and easy use in any situation, both for locker operators and the end user.
AL-SICURO software ensures clear, practical and convenient management of all our lockers.
Cesare Mauri was founded in 2005 by Cesare Mauri: we develop hardware and software integration projects according to specific customer needs.
The lockers, totems, and access control systems are not only designed, but entirely manufactured by CESARE MAURI, which thus acts as guarantor of the overall quality of the product and service.
Cesare Mauri S.r.l.
Corso Emanuele Filiberto, 74
23900 Lecco (LC)
© 2023 Cesare Mauri S.r.l. | P.IVA e Cod. Fisc. 02924650134 | CCIAA Lecco 02924650134