The Locker Cesare Mauri Linea Turismo is a secure armored framework with easy access, to store luggage and personal belongings during your vacation.
Have you ever arrived at a hotel much earlier than your check in time and had to wander around the city with your suitcase? Have you ever asked for luggage storage in a hostel so that you could enjoy your last day without carrying your trolley around but they didn’t have that option? Have you ever gone to the beach just for the day and didn’t know where to leave your lunch cooler without going to a lido and requesting a cabin?
Locker Cesare Mauri is the solution to all these issues you might encounter during a trip and/or vacation.
Installed near airports, train and bus stations, ports, hotels, bathing establishments, campgrounds, as well as parking lots, it provides a place to store luggage and personal belongings independently and safely.
AL-SICURO is the cloud-based software developed by Cesare Mauri to simplify and optimize the operation of lockers and totems.
Simple, functional, AL-SICURO.
Cesare Mauri S.r.l.
Corso Emanuele Filiberto, 74
23900 Lecco (LC)
© 2023 Cesare Mauri S.r.l. | P.IVA e Cod. Fisc. 02924650134 | CCIAA Lecco 02924650134